Making Small Things Necessarily Big

Vollmann's Rising Up and Rising Down

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Rising Up and Rising Down, William T. Vollmann’s seven-volume, 3,000-plus-page moral exegesis of violence, took 23 years to accomplish, involving sittings where apparently he wrote for 16 hours straight. Any body heard of this guy? Tim, Mark, Kevin, Ryan, John, Justin?

We could try to read through the whole thing on a scheduled basis so we can comment on the same chapters everyone else is reading at the same time.You know, like one of those read-through-the-bible-in-a-year things, only this might take like 7 years. We'd all have to come up with an extra couple 'a hundred bucks to purchase the volumes as well which most likely means "count me out", and for me probably means, "nevermind".

I'd like to take a peak inside at bookstore or something though.

Or we could just read through the Bible. Admission: That doesn't seem so exciting to me right now. Don't get me wrong, the Bible is great, but I haven't been able to get outside of Proverbs for the last 9 months or so.

4 Responses to “Vollmann's Rising Up and Rising Down”

  1. Blogger tito 

    count me out

  2. Blogger Expert Village 

    I was counting on counting you out Tim. Glad you could come through for me buddy.

  3. Blogger buffalocreative 

    well, i was going to do it. but since none of you are.... good idea though. look forward to spring break or atleast your spring break, i don't get those anymore.
    how'd you get stuck in proverbs?

  4. Blogger Expert Village 

    Your right Mark, we should all start changing diapers, and eat a little humble pie (i hope crap isn't involved in that pie). And I know what you mean. I thought I was going to have time to do two blogs (theplainpicture) but one is already hard to keep up with, and I'm not even married, I don't even have a dog for goodness sakes.

    I'm not sure how I got stuck in Proverbs. I got to the end of the book and then instead of moving along to Song of Solomon a gentle breeze blew across my bible's pages until I was staring at chapter one. Call it what you want; I'm calling it very wierd.

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