Making Small Things Necessarily Big

Ryan Recommends

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Living at home with your parents at twenty-four is highly underrated. Sure, women aren't exactly thrilled about the prospect of "living together" in your old room with the bunk beds, but PEEOOPLE, build a bridge. Breakfast, lunch, and dinner are free and almost never cold. You get to feel like you're not growing up. Who wants to grow up? Please. And when they're gone, you have a sweet pad off which you may launch almost any kind of large group gathering event that you want. Off the chain, off the hook, off your rocker. Whatever you want man.

People be lookin' at me these days all sappy. Sayin' they's sorry for my unfortunate hand of cards. But I ain't complainin'. They say that I've about hit rock bottom, and that maybe that'll turn me on to the right thing. But's I'm sposzed to hit rock bottom, when all'z I gots is me and this nice padding everywhere?

Live with your parents. It's alright.

1 Responses to “Ryan Recommends”

  1. Blogger tito 

    Yo bizackground is totally sweet. Keep those creative juices flowin'.

    Peace out playa

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