Hey. Yes, you with your right hand poised on the mouse, left hand pulling your cheek off the side of your face. Can we just...you know, talk? Off the record?
Wait wait wait wait. Before you decide you already know what I'm going to say, just pretend like we haven't really talked about this okay? Because we haven't! I mean we have, but we haven't. I know you think that we looked at this from every angle, discused all possible permutations and exhausted the length and breadth of its importance. But!!! What if we were wrong about the way... (mmmm hhhmm, I'm not going to mention any names, because I know that you can't handle that right now) but yeah, what if the very first instinctual response was the right one? And all the other attempts were just our insecurites and fears working themselves out?

You know? I mean what are the chances of us having nailed it...first try? Just, like, some how known implicitly that what we were doing was going to lead to this, this "question" of right and wrong.
Well, yeah, you said so, but that's what I'm saying man. Don't you get it? It's like coughing or sneezing becuase some foreign object or substance has found its way into your system. And you don't even need to think. You just...eliminate it. Automatically. Well why not, right?
But you see that's the thing, is that what comes most naturally will most naturally lead to our destruction. So you have to fight it with, ahh yes, the
super natural. You have to yell at yourself in the mirror on occasion. Really get into it you know? You've got to write speeches to yourself. Deliver them from behind a podium, in front of a mirror. Use your hands. And don't blink. And you have to watch little children. Watch them, when they don't know they are being watched. And write notes on your palm. And practice your speeches in the mirror before you do it for real. You have to dance. When everyone else is asleep. You have to keep on dancing and being loud. And you have to find the other people who are bobbing their heads to beats at night on the sidestreets that have two or three people walking up and down them, finger tracing the bricks. And get those people. And bring them inside.
But most importantly, you must find someone who really needs something? Somthing the size of a thumb tack. And give it to them? Because you have one.
I got to tell you that the sneeze line is excellent. It has been running through my head for the last week. Problem is that most of my sneezes end up in little balls of mucous having to be wiped on my sleeves. So here is what I propose. Lets come up with a better way to sneeze in 2005. If we don't find it we can use a little of 2006 also.