Making Small Things Necessarily Big

Comeback, Comeback, This Little Blog of Mine

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The tips of my fingers have been too raw to type a single blog entry in the last month. I wonder what my wpm is nowadays? I recently finished the critical commentary job that was so graciously and undeservedly bestowed upon me. And I must say, I was amazed at my own ability to pump out 70 pages of literate snobbery. Now ("Now" is just a formal way of stalling and transitioning to the next topic that I will talk about here, especially when I don't no what that topic will be), on to less prententious writing ventures. Some of you may remember me talking about this after school writer's workshop idea that I've had. Well, I might just get my shot at bringing an 826-style non-profit venture to Austin. But first, I've got to take a trip out to San Francisco to see how this 826 stuff works.

I'm really looking forward to this, and I can already see how additions to the program would appeal to students in High School and Middle School. I love this age group. It's the weirdest time in your life. It's often the most ignorantly experiemental time in your life and I'd like to put all of that raw experiment prone creativity to good use. Hopefully it will turn into a slick channel for different professionally skilled artists to converge with talented young pre-college students. Comic books, screen writes, video edits, digital photography, short stories, whatever...I want to provide unconvential prompting for a socially engaged community of motivated young students. How does that hit you?

Also, I've taken to apartment shopping this month. It's kinda fun. I can live almost wherever I want in this great city, cept for the expensive parts. Fun fun fun. So fun I could throw myself against the wall and pretend like I'm getting electricuted (little reference for you Egger fans, namely Timothy Douglass).

So come visit. Unless you have 4 or 5 kids I should at least be able to find you some floor space.

And for Gikas: Don't worry I won't make you drive all the way back to Granbury at 1 a.m. in the morning. You can stay. You can actually stay.

3 Responses to “Comeback, Comeback, This Little Blog of Mine”

  1. Blogger tito 

    Sweet Googly Moogly,

    He is back and slightly less snobbier than before. Let us see how he can take a little comment mis-worded.

    You have done very good on this blog entry.

    How did you do?

  2. Blogger buffalocreative 

    wow, the prodigal blogger has returned, everyone raise your keyboard to the prince himself. thank for the invite. a drive to your homeland if far past due, and thanks for making sure i can stay. or is it only my wife? let me know.

  3. Blogger Expert Village 

    Karl - You philosophic peice of trash. Get your sentence structure together you sorry sack...Good to be back.

    Notion - Your wife is welcome, but I think the chances of her staying at my parents house were better when she was my girlfriend.

    Ace - Thanks for giving me some spins. And anyone from Phoenix has to be pretty sharp if they can learn to spell the name of their city.

    B-Mac - Why are you laughing? Our God IS a bearded God.

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