Making Small Things Necessarily Big

Life And Death Are Set Before You This Day

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I had my first ever casting role today in a show written for a screen about 1.5 inches in diameter. It's the advent of mobile televsion people.

My appearance lasted for approximately 5 seconds, and was extremely natural, organic even. I just get out of a car, a very expensive gas guzzler, and then get slapped in the chest by a cop who is handing out parking tickets. I was brilliant! You have to see it.

Nah, I wasn't really that good. But you'd laugh if you knew me. And maybe you do know me. So you'll probably have a nice chuckle. Other than that, life is clipping along at an alarming rate. I'm 25, (yes, can you believe it?) and still searching for a dramatic means by which to change the world, knock it off its axis, give it a good kick in the pants.

Really though, if I could literally knock the world of its axis, I think it would be an act of self discipline to stay my hand from the lever. Levers are are the next best thing to pulleys. I'm just sayin'. So maybe if I rig together some pulleys and levers... I could leverage some pull with some of these high profile government leaders around the world and get them to see that what the world needs now is love sweet love...and more efficient sugar cane distribution. And just plain forgiveness. Which comes only through the letting of blood.

Hmmm...Of course at this point they will diagnose me with "the crazies" and shove their hands into pockets so as to not give themselves away. But then, I will tell them of how I wear a gray sweatshirt and blue jeans 5 out of 7 days a week in the winter time, and substitute white and gray pocketless tees for the sweatshirt in the summer time. Then I'll have their undivided attention, and do you know what I will say next? Other than the obvious, niether do I. I'm not sure I would have anything too say at all. But I should. Shouldn't I?...have a speech filled with convictions and beliefs ready to go, ready to devliver with quivering cheeks and tears to a room filled with political minds, some slowly deteriorating, some murdering, some neutralized.

Instead, I will enjoy some hard work and savor small conversations with dots on the map. With balloons that slip away from the grips of children and are eaten by the sky. With potholes that jar my insides every morning at the same time on the way to work. I will let go of the unseemly successes we are driven to behold, and instead look for those opportunities streaming underneath noses. And linger in the footsteps of others who eventually found their peace.

1 Responses to “Life And Death Are Set Before You This Day”

  1. Blogger tito 

    The genius of not having a maintained blog is that I basically blog in other people's comment section. For instance, B-Mac come back. My other thought is to you Ryan. I want in on the sweat shirt and blue jeans. I have been watching you enjoy these things and thought it would pass. But here it is, two years...YEARS MAN...later and you still are on that band wagon. Well, extend a hand and I will grab it. When it gets cold this is what I will be wearing. I am in.

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