Trying (Inspired by Rahabs and Gomers)
Published Tuesday, April 26, 2005 by Expert Village | E-mail this post
Look at that guy. It's all wrong. I mean there's at least one thing wrong with him. I'll prove it to you. He should not have let his hair get like that. Who cuts his hair? Did you see the way he pretended that nothing was wrong with his hair? Yes, some people have weird hair, but he should have stayed with the normal cut, joined the army or something. Do you see the way he tried to make that girl laugh? She almost laughed but then she would not talk with him. He should not have tried to make her laugh.
I've seen a lot of talented folks come by this way. And let me just say that this guy, he does not look like he will make it to their ranks. No, not even close. And he should know that. Someone should inform him that he will not make it. That he should stop pretending to be happy. Do you see how he continues to enjoy failing? Stop failing already. Sit down for a minute. Close your eyes and relax. This guy did not get the memo. It bugs the crap out of me that he does not understand how far he is from the rest of the guys doing what he does. Sure, there are complete failures who realize their mistakes, but they look good as failures, you know. They sulk along the shoulders of the path and fulfill a certain kind of beautiful poverty aesthetic, and they don't bother me so much.
This guy, they only thing I can do is to laugh. I don't ever laugh out loud, but I'm constantly chuckling on the inside of my head. I take consolation in the inevitable, that one day he will get this surprised look on his face and wonder what it was he was smiling about. The moment will flash like a camera bulb and his eyes will adjust to see that every face he thought was smiling was only laughing.
Ace. I don't know that this will clear any of the confusion. The only explanation I have is to say that this was my attempt to figure what goes on inside the head of a critical thinker. I just thought it would be nice to identify what the enemy is thinking is all.