Making Small Things Necessarily Big

Cheap Gas

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I try to buy my gas on Mondays and Wednesdays, because I have to drive out of Austin near the lake where the price has leveled at $1.95/gallon. Wow...what a deal. Still almost two bucks. Hey it's better than $3. So yesterday I was filling up the tank when a man refueling his Ranger next to me walked up and asked if I would look inside of his ear.

"What?" I said.
"Would you please look inside my ear."
Me staring.
"I felt something fly inside my ear, and I think it's still there."
"Could you look to see if it is still there?"
Me cautiously looking around to the side of his head. Should I grab hold of his head and turn it toward the light? Should I stick my finger in there to find out what was buzzing around. Does this guy do this to pick up young boys off the street?
"Nope, all clear."
"Awhh, I guess it musta flewn away."
"Thanks Mister."

It really is a predicament. You can't see inside of your own ear. Glad I could be of assistance.

3 Responses to “Cheap Gas”

  1. Blogger buffalocreative 

    unbelievable. only in austin. that would never happen in granbury. good post none the less. w.w.j.d.

  2. Blogger buffalocreative 

    did he really call you mister?

  3. Blogger Andronicus 

    good post-a more or less stranger

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