Making Small Things Necessarily Big

Uh, Next Post Please

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I went to see this band last night called The Black Tie Dynasty at Habanna Calle on 6th. I think I've finally formed at solid opinion about the 80s as a result. In some ways the 80s were like a bad cyberpunk movie, produced by folks that were not technologically savvy enough to handle the modernity and futuristic ideas that were being put forth. But, I feel, some found a way around this problem in the music industry by tweaking the timbre of their vocals and the style of their play. The most successful ones, U2 leading the pack, created a timeless kind of new genre.

Ambient and emotional guitars backed by solid rock and roll bass and drums, a synth here and there, all conspire to draw you in. It's almost as if the music is asking a question that you had not dared to ask yourself for fear of the answer. Can we change? What do we really want to?

Well, happy spring break everybody. It's high-ho for me; I feel rested and ready.

6 Responses to “Uh, Next Post Please”

  1. Blogger tito 

    My memory of the 80's is somewhat limited to cartoon trivia, but I too have delved into the deep abyss that is the eighties. More specifically, I have jumped head first into the band U2's music. Great stuff. I think the appeal for me is that rather than ask just the musical questions which revolutionized the era, they asked questions which dared to touch the soul rather than only touch the rock and roll heart beat. I could be wrong but when I think of the eighties I think of consumption...and spandex. Seemed like a pretty shallow time and U2 refused to be this.

    That is all my rad bro.

  2. Blogger tito 

    P.S. Madonna is also what I think of about the 80's

  3. Blogger buffalocreative 

    spandex? My starbucks manager still wears them. Just when riding his bike, but still!? I think the eighties were a fart in human progress. sorry. but i agree about u2. i'll be seeing them by the way in october.

  4. Blogger Expert Village 

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  5. Blogger Expert Village 

    Yes, yes, yes. Uh hmm Uh hmm. Sure. Yeah. I totally agree. Just imagine what I would sound like if I were pretending to listen to a really boring blonde. Only I'm serious. You're totally right on dude.

    You're a fart.
    Can I go?

  6. Blogger buffalocreative 

    that's really funny--i'm a fart. kids these days.
    I might be able to get you a general admission ticket from a friend. I'm one of the dorks in their fan club so I got to buy tickets a day earlier than the proletariats. They only let me buy two. I only joined the fan club for that reason o.k. that's it, nothing else.

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