From One Blogger To Another
Published Saturday, April 23, 2005 by Expert Village | E-mail this post
Guys, I'm not abandoning my post here a smoke beats water, just silently peering above the trench line for now. I really appreciate the readership that has accumulated to about 30 hits per day whether or not I post; that's dedication.
So how's about some musical recommendations for now until I get back into the swing of things. Or how's about two really really good musical recommendations? Yeah? Come on. I can't hear you.
Alright. That's better.
Ryan Vaughn - Turn Me Over
Just kidding but come one guys drum me up some business over here.
Okay for real:
Top 2 albums of this month for me:
1. Arcade Fire - Funeral
2. Loretta Lynn - Van Lear Rose
You can listen to some samples at Okay so now everybody knows I'm still alive right?
All: RIGHT!!!
Okay then. Carry on.
Sweet goodness that is blog posting.
How about emailing me the true identy of your ghost writing. I am pretty sure that about 20% of those visits to your blog were from me.