Making Small Things Necessarily Big

4 Things

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4 jobs that I've had:

1. newspaper delivery boy - Sundays sucked
2. newspaper reporter - i learned a lot about brazos county crime
3. 6 year-old camp counselor - kids are morons - wasn't i a kid once?
4. wedding photographer - so, where's grandpa and grandma?

4movies I have watched on repeat:

1. The Natural - i get my childhood mixed up with this movie
2. 2001: A Space Odyssey - didn't quite make it all the way through the second time
3. Primer - Only because Tim had it on in the living room a few times. It grew on me.
4. Sneakers - not sure, i like the sound track

4Extreme Sport Vacations I'd Like to take

1.Bowling in Angola
2.Shrimp boating in the Meditteranean
4.Tip of South America to Canada on foot.

4Websites besides blogs I visit Daily:

2. myspace (it's fun guys come on try it!)
4. gizmodo


1. Mom's pineapple chicken with stirfry rice - mmm mmm
2. Central Market has these flat strips of candy, strawberry stuff - pretty good.
3. Mangias Deep Dish Pizza - pepperoni
4. Shiner, Lone Star, and Newcastle - for now

4Changes to my house

1.It would be my house
2.Skylights, with a tree poking through the roof. rooms ceiling, tinted upon request

tags (this means you must do what I tell you to do):

1. Matt Graham
2. Autumn Rgrs.
3. Gibby
4. monilove
5. julesdwit

7 Responses to “4 Things”

  1. Anonymous Anonymous 

    4 Jobs:
    Whataburger---grill girl
    Eskerd---drug girl
    Sweets---coffee girl
    monilove---moni girl
    4 Movies
    Say Anything
    Better Off Dead
    Breakfast Club
    Lonsome Dove
    4 Extreme Daily/Weekly Sports
    Walking to the subway in "teen temperatures"
    Using the Epson scanner at the photo studio
    Drinking coffee while walking
    Eating, walking and getting my subway card out all at the same time--have yet to do this properly
    4 Websites I Go to Daily
    All Recipes
    4 Foods
    Jack & Coke
    4 Cool Things that Happened Today
    Told someone about Jesus over Vietnamese
    Booked more freelance jobs
    Ate Vietnamese for dinner
    Ate a Shepherd's Pie for Lunch

  2. Anonymous Anonymous 

    what is it that you want me to do? i'm up for a shiner, under your tinted glass ceiling while watching sneakers. did you have something else in mind?

  3. Anonymous Anonymous 

    i find it amusing that moni, my favorite mexican, doesn't spell tortilla right. but we have more to talk about than that - email me, girl!

  4. Anonymous Anonymous 

    "autumn's" comment is a little provacative. Excellent.

  5. Anonymous Anonymous 

    This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  6. Anonymous Anonymous 

    it wasn't meant to be provacative - you'd want to drink a shiner under a glass ceiling with ryan too!

  7. Anonymous Anonymous 

    4 movies:
    1. The Lost Boys
    2. Young Guns
    3. Annie
    4. Grease (Part I)

    4 Jobs:
    1. breakdancing on the sidewalk in front of Randall's grocery store (I was young and thought I could make some money that way altough I still do it occasionally)
    2. collecting pennies, dimes, and nickels in parking lots
    3. laying sod in my neighbors backyard (that was a lot of work)
    4. aluminum cans (do you know how much those things are worth?!)

    4 foods
    1. toasted bread with melted cheddar and that HEB salsa stuff on top
    2. tortillas (pronounce the i like the i in tin)
    3. fajitas (ditch the as pronunciation and add ers: fajiters)
    4. you wouldn't believe it, but my dogs food is more nutritious than the stuff I eat. It's called Wellness. However, I have found a vitamin that has the same name, so now I take those instead.

    4 websites
    1. Scottrade (I've made my fortune in the stock market)
    2. UPS Package tracking (it's fascinating to track my packages; especially when the status shows that it is loaded up in the truck, and I know that all day long my package is somewhere out there on the streets of BCS... It's like Christmas!!)
    3. Alice in Wonderland (An Interactive Adventure)
    4. Joel's Trumpet (It's an eye opener!)

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